pp108 : Setting Authorization for Deployed Process Models

Setting Authorization for Deployed Process Models

This topic describes the procedure to set authorization for deployed process models.

Before you begin this task:

  • You must have the Process Administrator role in the Process Platform Business Process Engine application package to set authorization for deployed (published) business process models.
  • You must have published a business process model.

Business process models can be deployed directly from an application package in the run-time environment. Therefore, authorization for these process models cannot be set in the design time environment. A process administrator can monitor and authorize business processes in runtime by setting authorization for deployed (published) business processes. The only relevant run-time authorization settings are instantiation authorization per role or per use.

  1. In the My Applications App Palette, click (Deployed Process Models). The Deployed Process Models window appears displaying a list of deployed business process models.
  2. Right-click a business process model and select (Authorization). The Authorization dialog box appears.
  3. Click on the toolbar. An empty record appears for setting authorization.
  4. In the Role/User column, click to browse to select a role or the name of a user. The Select a Role or an User dialog box appears.
    Note: If you have set authorization at the user level, you cannot set authorization at the role level.
  5. In the Select Role or User field, select either the Role or User options appropriately. Depending upon the option that you selected, either a list of roles or a list of users appears.
  6. Select the role or the user whom you want to authorize, and click OK. The selected role or user appears in the Authorization dialog box.
  7. Select the required Role/User for authorization, and select the Instantiate check box.
  8. Click . The user or the user having the selected role is authorized to instantiate the business process model.

    Authorization is set for a deployed process model.